Friday, October 5, 2012

Night Life

Every Thursday, we are off for the weekend. Usually I go visit family, but this time I stayed with my friends. We decided at the last minute to go to Haifa for a few hours. When we got there, it was around 9pm so I thought things would be closed, but I was wrong. There were thousands of people there and many different events going on. There were mini concerts and acrobat people all over the place. It was crazy!
Everyone was just walking around or eating dinner. It was pretty overwelming I must say. I went with about seven other friends. We ended up splitting up and going to different restaurants, but at the end we met up again. We left around 1 or 2 in the morning and the streets were still insanely crowded. We took a bus back to Yemin Orde. The second we got back, I was exhausted so I just crashed in my bed. Overall, it was a pretty fun night!

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