Monday, March 11, 2013

The Night Before Poland

The night before we left for Poland, I could not sleep. I was so nervous, but excited at the same time. We had to wake up and be at the bus at 1:45 am, which is just so early. Most people just did not even try going to sleep. Poland is a place that I've always wanted to go to. It may seem strange or weird to some people, since it is not a place most people go to for fun. I mean I never wanted to go there for fun, but just as a learning experience. I've been extremely interested in learning more about the Holocaust my whole entire life. I've been learning about for such a long time that it just did not seem real that I was actually going to Poland. It was just such a weird feeling to me. Once it was 1:45 am, Rachel and I went to the bus. I could not believe it was time. Time to go to the airport. And time to fly to Poland. Once we got to the airport, we checked it and it was crazy busy. It was gross how many people were there. I've never seen an airport so crowded at 2:30 am in my life. We went through security, which took forever. After we sat around and waited to board the plane to Poland. Emotions were crazy right then and there.

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