Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guess I didn't get the memo to wear white

Last night at sundown was the start of Yom Kippur...this was my first year for the holiday. It was such a different experience than America. After we ate dinner, we just walked the streets of petach tikva. There were so many people and everyone was dressed up in white..except me of course. Guess I didn't get that memo beforehand...oh well.  I mean I knew white was the thing to wear, but I did not think EVERYONE would be wearing it. I know next time! but it was my cousins and their friends plus me...we just walked the streets and the highway for hours talking. There were absolutely no cars whatsoever...unless it was a police or an ambulance of course. It was so weird! But everyone was speaking Hebrew so I wasn't really listening...after listening to it for more than hour, I got so overwhelmed and tired of it because I had to really think about what everyone was saying & I was really tired. Its difficult! But we ended up going to my cousins house at like midnight and I fell asleep..I don't know why I was so tired because I'm usually wide awake at midnight. After about an hour I woke up and I walked back to my aunt rivkas house with my other cousin, Atad. The second we got back, I crashed. I slept until like 11 the next day...but I ended up going back to sleep and slept the rest of the day. There was nothing better to do anyways. Finally around 5ish, my cousins and I walked to a synagogue nearby to listen to the shofar. It was weird because everyone was standing outside since there was no room inside. There were hundreds of people...they all came just to hear the shofar for like a minute just like us. After, we walked back to rivkas and broke the fast. It was the best thing ever!! The end.
Xoxo simcha

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