Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's in the Poyke Pot?

The first night I arrived at Yemin Orde, my madricha wanted us to have "bonding time" to get to know each other. So, after dinner we made a bonfire outside even though it was like 5 million degrees to make poyke. We waited about ten minutes for the fire to get bigger & then we somehow mananged to put both poyke pots in the fire without getting burned. Poyke is basically a stew with chicken and vegetables in case you did not know. But anyways, its a pretty easy thing to just takes about two hours. We basically just put oil in the pots, then the vegetables & chicken, and lastly a lot of water. Afterwards, we just let it sit for a while. During this time, we all made our own pita bread from the fire.
It didn't really have that much taste but it's okay.  By the time the poyke was done, it was around 10pm. It was pretty late to eat a heavy meal like that, but it was definitely worth it!
It looks kind of gross, but it was so good!



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