Friday, September 12, 2014

Adventure Time

We have every other weekend off, and this weekend is a closed weekend so we must stay on our kibbutz. We were allowed to leave after class yesterday though until this morning. Half my garin and I decided we wanted to go to Tel-Aviv. Tel-Aviv is the central part of Israel and it is such a fun city on the Mediterranean Sea. We waited about 30 minutes for the bus and it took about two hours to get there. I wanted to take the train there because it only takes an hour, but everyone wanted to just take the bus. When we got there, we went to the beach and just relaxed.

Because we arrived around 5 pm, the sun was not so strong. We stayed for a few hours and then went to the mall to eat and shop for a little bit. My friend Sara and I bought sushi, and normally I do not like sushi so much but it was really good. After this, we took the bus to Yaffo/Jaffa which is the old city of Tel-Aviv. Everything looks old and historic and it is also on the Mediterranean Sea. We walked around for a bit and decided to go to a bar. It was around 11 pm, but so many places were open and there were many people out. Yaffo is more of a relaxed environment to go out in. There are usually older people there at night, where as Tel-Aviv is more of a party city for young people. Anyways, we sat outside and just talked for hours until around 1 or 2 am. I was so exhausted. We checked buses and trains to return to our kibbutz, but there were none until 5 am. We decided just to walk to the beach and we ended up all falling asleep there. We woke up at 5 am though and walked to the bus stop. It was also freezing and I could not wait to be back in my room. We finally got on the bus and we all passed out on the bus ride back! We all returned around 7:30 am. I immediately showered and went to sleep. We were supposed to have an activity at 9 am, but we ended up not having it which was an advantage for all of us. I slept until around 1 pm. I went to lunch, went to the pool to work out, and then we had to clean our house. I am still exhausted and can't wait to sleep tonight! haha

 Tonight I am going to my "adopted" family's house. I am a little nervous to meet them, but I am also excited. I was supposed to receive my host family a few days ago, but they called at the last minute saying they did not want to adopt a lone soldier anymore. I do not think I explained what an "adopted" family is, but it is pretty self explanatory. So my counselors interview and carefully choose family's on the kibbutz who want to "adopt" one of us from now until we finish the army. We go to their house whenever like it is our house, we can do laundry, and we eat dinner with them. It's like our second family! So I am having Shabbat dinner with them tonight! Apparently they have 8 kids, so I am sure it will be an experience! haha Well I need to start getting ready for tonight, but I'll let y'all know how it goes. xoxox


  1. How does the beach there compare to Alabama's Gulf Coast beaches?

    I think staying up late is the theme of your adventure so far. (Does that sound like a Mom thing to say?)

  2. Sorry for the late response, but the beaches in Israel are beautiful! It's the Mediterranean Sea so its very blue waters! I think both Israel and Alabama have beautiful beaches, so I don't think I can compare them!
