Saturday, September 6, 2014

Finally the weekend!

After an exhausting week, I have never been so happy for it to finally be Friday. This weekend we have a "free weekend" meaning we are able to leave our kibbutz and go wherever we want. We got off Thursday afternoon, so I went to Tel-Aviv. I did not really want to, but I needed to go to close one of my Israeli bank accounts which was probably one of the biggest headaches! It took me about three hours to get there and it probably took 10 minutes to close the account...typical Israel! So after that, I went to get something to eat before I started heading back to my kibbutz. I got shwarma (typical Israeli meal and one of my favorites)
Shaved chicken with chips(fries), hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad in pita bread
 When I ordered, the person told me my hebrew was really good so that made me feel more confident! So anyways, I decided to take the train back instead of the bus because the bus took too long and I wanted to get back to my kibbutz as soon as possible. I got home around 9, I showered, and went straight to bed because I was exhausted! Friday morning, I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Jerusalem to meet with some of my friends who lived there. The journey there took around 2 hours, so it was long but it was okay. I got to Jerusalem around 12 and went to my friends apartment. We had lunch there and then we went to the shuk (outdoor market) in the Old city. It was a lot of fun! Every time I go to Jerusalem, I always have to go there. Every one tries to get you to buy their products and they are really pushy so you have to be aggressive and just walk away.
You can buy anything from rugs to bracelets. Everything is cheap too!
We were there for a few hours and I bought wall decorations for my room. After we were finished, I had to go back to the bus station to catch the bus.
Because it was Friday, public transportation stops around 3-4pm because of Shabbat. I made my way to the station and made it right in time for the last bus going to Ashkelon (city in Israel). Unfortunately, there were no more buses that went straight to my kibbutz. Ashkelon is about 20 minutes north of my kibbutz and that was the closest city I could get to by bus. By the time I got to Ashkelon, it was around 5pm. There were no more buses from there to my kibbutz either, so I had to take a taxi. I usually hate taking taxis because they are so expensive, but I had to in this situation. The taxi driver was nice and it was a good way to practice my hebrew. I spoke to him the whole way back in hebrew! So when I returned to my kibbutz, I showered immediately. I wanted to rest because I was exhausted, but I did not have time to because Shabbat was about to begin. I had to attend synagogue services and meet the family I was eating Shabbat dinner with there. I went to their house and I was so tired that I had no energy to think in hebrew so I just spoke in English with them the whole time. It's a little weird to go to a family's house and to eat dinner with them when you've never met them before. By the end of the meal, I got to know them very well and vise versa. In Israel, this is a very normal thing to do but I know in America you would have to be crazy to attend a dinner with a random family like this.  The family was very welcoming and very sweet. The food was also delicious and all homemade. I stayed until around 11 and finally walked back home and went to bed!  I slept in until 11 and caught up on all my sleep. It was a very nice and relaxing day! Tomorrow is my Tsav Rishon (first call to the army) and I am a little nervous for it! I lost my tzedut tzhut (israeli ID) a few days ago and it is no where to be seen which is a huge problem. I am hoping they will allow me to do my tsav rishon, but I'll let y'all know tomorrow! Anyways, I have a long day tomorrow so I am going to sleep now. Layla Tov (Good night) <3

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